Prince William Times Cites Robert’s Rules Expert Donald Garrett on Controversial Digital Gateway Vote

Donald Garrett, a professional registered parliamentarian with the National Association of Parliamentarians, said elected officials typically don’t abstain on major policy votes without good reason, such as “conflicts of interest, dissatisfaction with the process, lack of knowledge, needing more time or protesting superfluous proposals.”
Garrett also said elected officials “should be accountable to (their) constituents as to why (they) choose not to vote or stay neutral on an important public matter.”
“Just like a yes or no vote, voters should have information on their elected official’s choice to not vote so they can make a judgment on the official’s performance when it is election time,” Garrett said.
Boddye did not explain his decision to abstain prior to the vote
Prince William Times, “Supervisor Kenny Boddye’s abstention was key to the PW Digital Gateway’s approval”, by Shannon Clark
Our Principal, Donald Garrett, was recently interviewed by the Prince William Times about parliamentary procedure in a Prince William County, Virginia Board of Supervisors meeting. He spoke on the importance of abstentions when voting on a matter. Mr. Garrett is a Robert’s Rules of Order expert serving Northern Virginia and the greater Washington, DC area.
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